Conditions Apply:
1. Participants must attend the full conference and either of the tutorial tracks in full.
2. 599 data package is only applicable for the TashiCell number.
Note: Only those residing in Bhutan are eligible to the prizes from quizzes and selfie competition.
If case of grivences or issues kindly email to:
DAY1- 20th October 2021 (Wednesday)
Duration: Whole day
1. Tutorial Parallel Session – Network Monitoring & Management
Instructor: Dave Phelan (APNIC)
2. Tutorial Parallel Session – Network Security
Instructor: Warren Finch (APNIC)
In both the parallel sessions participate in two quizzes ‘ Fun’ and ‘Technical’, and the winners will win the following prizes.
a. Fun Quiz:
b. Tech Quiz:
DAY2- 21st October 2021(Thursday) Conference Day
Duration: Whole day
Participate in two quizzes ‘ Fun’ and ‘Technical’, and the winners will win the following prizes.
a. Fun Quiz:
b. Tech Quiz:
Selfie Competition: Participate in a selfie contest during the btNOG8 to win exciting prizes!
Winners will be selected based on the highest number of likes for their posts.
Wait! That’s not it.
TashiCell will also sponsor 599 data packages for the top 100 active participants.